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Art Thomas Preaches in Southern Asia

When you give, my testimonies become your testimonies.


The Philippian church (in Macedonia) gave generously to Paul while he ministered in Corinth, enabling him to set aside his tent-making trade and devote all his time to full-gospel ministry (Acts 18:1-5). Because of this, he thanked the Philippians for their partnership in the gospel (Phil. 1:5) and told them that they shared in God's grace with him (Phil. 1:7).


Your generous gifts enable me to continue ministering around the world while also caring for my family, and your partnership in the gospel makes every testimony possible.

Art Thomas Ministries, LLC, is considered a for-profit organization, and we do not therefore have any special tax status to offer deductions. Any financial help you send is considered a gift, which will be used to continue expanding the reach and impact of this ministry throughout the world through traveling, writing, and more. Thank you for considering the value of this ministry’s place in God’s Kingdom!


I truly appreciate you taking a moment to visit this page. My ministry includes personal traveling to preach and teach, sending free training materials to Christians in developing nations, local outreach, evangelism, and more. My wife and I devote a lot of time and prayer to this ministry, and your gift helps us keep spreading the supernatural truth of Jesus Christ around the world.


Please consider making a regular monthly contribution to this ministry.


It would be such a blessing to have you join me in an ongoing way. When you invest financially in what God is doing through my family and me, our testimonies become your testimonies.


Jesus is the reason we have a global impact, but you are the way He is making it happen.


Thank you for joining us in the mission.


God bless!



Additionally, checks may be made out to “Art Thomas Ministries” and sent to:


Art Thomas Ministries
P.O. Box 87922
Canton, MI 48187


Thank you so much for your generosity!

Your gift enables Robin and me to continue supplying quality teaching and training to believers throughout the world while still being able to support our family. Your gift is a true blessing!

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©2021 by Art Thomas Ministries, LLC 


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