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Chances are, you're hoping to contact me for one of a few reasons:

  • Invite me to your church or event (Click Here)

  • Ask me to pray for you or minister healing to you (Click Here)

  • Send a gift to support our ministry (Click Here)

  • Share a testimony or encouragement about how you’ve been impacted by our ministry (See info below)

  • Ask a question (See info below)



Our Mailing Address:

Art Thomas Ministries
P.O. Box 87922
Canton, MI 48187



My E-mail Address:

You can e-mail me at


Due to the high volume of e-mails and the responsibilities of ministry and family, I am only able to respond to emails as I have time and as the Spirit leads. I do read every email eventually, but there simply isn’t enough time available in my schedule to answer every single one. If you ask for prayer, I’ll definitely do that as I read. Thank you for your patience and understanding!



Social Media


Please note: I do not monitor my social media messages as closely as I do e-mail. If you’re wanting to contact me, the suggestions on this web site are better options than social media.



Again, if you would like to invite me to speak at your church or event, the best way is to use the Invitation Form.



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